Baby Glen’s Vivid Imaginations

Baby Glen’s Vivid Imaginations

Baby Glen's Vivid Imaginations is a collection of short stories for young children written about a boy who imagines different ideas from stories told to him. He creates happy stories depending on the places that he visits. He even enjoys making good ideas out of bad situations because he is a great dreamer. Come spend time enjoying the stories of Baby Glen's first adventures!

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About the Book

About the Author

Shirley Jordan is a divorced single mother of four children and a grandmother of eight. She was born and raised in Houston, Texas, and has always been an entrepreneur. Shirley owned and operated a children’s hair salon for 11 years. She has written a total of 27 children’s books, two teen and six adult books.

Author: Shirley Jordan
Publisher: Clay Bridges Press
Publication Year: 2023
ASIN: 1684881900
ISBN: 9781684881901
List Price: 18.99
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