About Clay Bridges

Clay Bridges Press partners with authors through publishing and beyond.

When looking for a publisher, most authors begin their search with a little knowledge of the process, but are seeking a better understanding of the publishing industry.

Throughout the search, an author is likely to hear of Traditional Publishers, Partnership Publishers, Hybrid Publishers, Vanity Publishers, and Self Publishers. Each of these has a place in the market. How an author decides what is the right fit for them depends on what is needed.

Clay Bridges Press began over 10 years ago with the author in mind. We were built to bridge the gap between self-publishing and traditional publishing, allowing authors to maintain control and ownership of their work, while still having the benefits of a traditional press. This includes printing, sales, distribution, and extends to professional editing and design.

When building the company, we knew the importance of having teammates with experience from all angles of the publishing sector–including sales, print, layout, design, marketing, editing, website, and graphics. We took the time to bring together an amazing team of talent to help authors with each step in the process.

A Team Of Experts Working For You

At Clay Bridges Press, we know that publishing is not just turning out a book. It’s about making the best version of your book, while keeping your voice and vision. We become your team of experts to help you navigate that journey from the beginning of the process through the release and continuing years of distribution and sales.


Clay Bridges Press brings accuracy and polish to your manuscript. Our professional editors are available for editing services from a simple proofread to a more in-depth line edit. We are happy to discuss your editing needs and decide on the best track for your book.


At Clay Bridges Press, we know that the cover is your book’s first impression to readers. That’s why we work with professional designers who understand color, typeface, and layout. As with most industries, styles change over time and we maintain the highest standards for your book.


While most traditional publishers determine how your book will be printed and how many copies, self-publishers often print on demand or insist on a large minimum quantity. At Clay Bridges Press, we offer short, mid, and long-run options so you can print the number of copies you need. We also offer excellent quality in the paper and cover materials used.


As a hybrid-publisher, Clay Bridges Press believes that our authors shouldn’t be forced to market on their own. We work with you to build out a long-term marketing plan that allows you to maximize your publishing experience, including social media strategies, websites, and more.

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