Creating Something New

Creating Something New

Have you ever wanted to create something new that would make the world a better place? Perhaps you could write a book, invent a helpful device, or make an exciting discovery! Sometimes it's easy to get discouraged when we have plenty of ideas but no clue where to start. There is good news! God created you with special gifts and abilities. When we pray and set our eyes on Him, God empowers us to bring Him glory through the things He allows us to create. This book reminds young readers that God is the ultimate creator and encourages them to use their God-given gifts and ideas to point to Him .

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About the Book

About the Author

A Florida native and graduate of Florida Gulf Coast University, Lacey Langston is a former school teacher turned homeschool mother of three. She and her husband, Bryan, are self-proclaimed nomads, exploring the United States with their children in their home-on-wheels. Lacey feels called to share God’s love with children by means of writing, teaching, and serving her community. This calling not only led her into the field of education, but also led her family to become foster and adoptive parents. It is Lacey’s utmost desire to share the good news of the Gospel and honor God with the gifts He has bestowed.

Author: Lacey Langston
Genre: Childrens
Publisher: Clay Bridges Press
Publication Year: 2023
ASIN: 1684880688
ISBN: 9781684880683
List Price: 16.99
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