

Wisdom for a Woman's Walk with Jesus

Do you need inspiration to live abundantly as God intended? Drawing on popular quotes, Barbara Maxwell takes you to the Word of God and then to encouraging, refreshing, and inspiring truths that help women live more confidently and pursue a more faith-filled walk with Jesus. In these devotionals, you will find inspiration for each day and the antidote to fear and worry as you discover how scriptural truth can sustain you. Throughout this book, you will learn to:
• Take off your mask
• Love as Jesus loves
• Conquer fear and cast away worry that holds you back
• Live more confidently
• Deepen your faith
Jesus has all the wisdom you could want. He desires to speak to your deepest needs as a woman. Read, be encouraged, be challenged, and be INSPIRED!

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About the Book

About the Author

Barbara Maxwell’s work as an author is the fruit of her own journey of faith and daily time spent with Jesus. Her understanding of the mysteries of God has developed on a journey through many religious traditions, all pointing to the saving grace and love of her Savior, Jesus Christ. As you read her devotionals, you’ll see wisdom drawn from life lived, wins and losses, and authentic faith.

Within Barbara’s family there has been military service, loss of a child, depression and anxiety, divorce and conflict, renewal and forgiveness, long distances, big transitions, and the mysterious unfolding of God’s story of love in everyday life. Raised in a large Catholic family, led by Navy Pilot father and brave mother of 8, the “gang of 10” followed their “hurricane hunter” Navy pilot father who finished his years of service on base in Key West during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Through it all, Barbara learned to find the simplicity in complex life, to delight in the joys today has to offer, and to relentlessly invest in the intimate community of loved ones with whom we weather the storms. From learning to dance an Irish Jig from a Catholic nun, to finding her place as one of seven sisters, Barbara has stories to share that will inspire you in your own winding journey of faith.

As her first book of devotionals is published, Barbara celebrates 44 years of marriage with a man who continues to stretch and challenge her, and who speaks against the negative stories that crop up in her life. From learning to laugh without self-consciousness, to making music together, to living their values in a rapidly changing world; the Maxwell family sees it is through loving community that we become all we’re meant to be.

Author: Barbara S. Maxwell
Genre: Christian Living
Publisher: Clay Bridges Press
Publication Year: 2020
ASIN: 1939815819
ISBN: 9781939815811
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