All Of Us Are Going To Die, But Not All Of Us Are Going To Enjoy Eternity

All Of Us Are Going To Die, But Not All Of Us Are Going To Enjoy Eternity


This Revelation commentary is uncomplicated; in fact, it's difficult to misunderstand. Clarity is paramount. It does not entwine jump-backs or sprinkle in superscripts and postscripts which can interrupt the flow and distract from the message. Yet, the commentary's separate Biblical References Section scripturally backs up every commentary paragraph.

It integrates related Old Testament (OT) prophesies and makes crystal clear what happens to whom during our world's present and four future God-preordained stages (The Present, The Rapture, Tribulation, The 1000 Year Kingdom and finally, Eternity). It describes what happens to OT believers... all current, past, and future believers... and the many who've chosen to remain unbelievers. It focuses light on "future resurrection of the body".

Some scholars are inclined to feel Revelation's message describes past events, events in progress today, or even illustrative stories not meant to be taken literally. But why not accept scripture by simply trusting that scripture means what it says? OT prophets and the Book of Revelation foresee real, future events that each of us are destined to encounter. This commentary makes plain what will happen, in what sequence, absent (as necessary) of when it will happen.

You will understand it. Hopefully, you will take comfort in it.

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About the Book

About the Author

Mel Stuckey flew helicopters and was a Naval Officer in an advanced mathematics research lab. He held executive positions in two Fortune 500 companies and was president of a large, high-tech manufacturing company. He founded a technology-driven NASDAQ company that marketed software to a worldwide clientele, and later a polymers research company. While having authored several business books, this commentary on Revelation is his initial Biblical publication. Mel and his lovely wife, Lee, live in Naples Florida.

Publisher: Clay Bridges Press
Publication Year: 2023
ASIN: 1684880815
ISBN: 9781684880812
List Price: 15.00
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